K-Son Reflects On The Rock World ??

PAUL STANLEY Addresses Vocal Issues – ”If You Want To Hear Me Sound Like I Did On KISS Alive!, Then Put On KISS Alive!”; Audio

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In a new interview with the Rolling Stone Music Now podcast, KISS singer Paul Stanley responded to the odd swipe bandmate Gene Simmons took at him onstage in Australia this month: (“I’ll sing everything,” Simmons said. “Because my voice always works! I don’t lose my voice. I don’t lose my…

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Nickelback Albums Ranked

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They’ve sold over 50 million albums worldwide, but which of their works is their best? We investigate.

METALLICA Guitarist KIRK HAMMETT Ponders Possible Solo Album – ”It’ll Be Something So Weird And Far-Ranging In Styles, But Cohesive At The Same Time”

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In a new interview with Metal Hammer, Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett discusses the possibility of releasing a solo album. “I have so much material sitting around that’s obviously not Metallica stuff, and that pile gets bigger and bigger. One of these days when it feels right…” Kirk reveals. “I still…

5 Other Bands Ghost’s Tobias Forge Has Been In

11 Loudwire

All of the bands came before Ghost.

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