Doyle Announces ’Abominate the World Tour 2017;’ Teases ’Run for Your Life’ Video !

Doyle has announced his next touring leg, which will coincide with the release of his upcoming album (and first for EMP Label Group), Doyle II: As We Die.

Dubbed the “Abominate the World Tour 2017,” it kicks off June 1 at the Maywood in Raleigh, N.C., and goes pretty much every day of the month before concluding June 29 at the Evening Star Hall in Niagara Falls, N.Y. Davey Suicide will be opening on all dates.

The first single from the new album, “Run for Your Life,” will be getting a video treatment. The clip was filmed at Doyle’s machinist father’s shop in Vernon, N.J. Doyle II: As We Die is out May 5, and features singer Alex “Wolfman” Story, bassist Brandon Strate and drummer Brandon Pertzborn.
In addition to the new album, EMP, along with Doyle’s own Monsterman Records, will be offering several limited edition vinyl offerings and CD reissues, including the sometimes Misfits guitarist’s solo debut, 2013’s Abominator, the upcoming disc from Dead Girls Corp and several other new releases.

Doyle’s “Abominate the World Tour” 2017 Dates:

06/01 Raleigh, N.C. @ The Maywood
06/02 Spartansburg, S.C. @ Ground Zero

06/03 Atlanta, Ga. @ Masquerade

06/04 Jacksonville, Fla. @ Nichthawks

06/05 West Palm Beach, Fla. @ Respectables

06/06 Winter Park, Fla. @ The Haven

06/07 Tampa, Fla. @ The Orpheum

06/08 New Orleans, La. @ Southpark Music Hall

06/10 San Antonio, Texas @ The Rock Box

06/11 Dallas, Texas @ Trees

06/12 Austin, Texas @ Come And Take It Live

06/13 Houston, Texas @ Scout Bar

06/14 Oklahoma City, Okla. @ Thunder Alley

06/16 Mesa, Ariz. @ Club Red

06/17 San Diego, Calif. @ Brick by Brick

06/18 Santa Ana, Calif. @ Malone’s

06/19 Las Vegas, Nev. @ Beauty Bar

06/20 Salt Lake City, Utah @ Liquid Joe’s

06/21 Colorado Springs, Colo. @ Sunshine Studios

06/22 Merriam, Kan. @ Aftershock

06/23 Duluth, Minn. @ RT Quinnians

06/24 Waterloo, Iowa @ The Reverb

06/25 Arlington Heights, Ill. @ Home Bar

06/26 Toledo, Ohio @ Frankie’s

06/28 Clifton, N.J. @ Dingbatz

06/29 Niagara Falls, N.Y. @ Evening Star Hall

Read More: Doyle Announces 2017 Tour, Teases ’Run for Your Life’ Video |

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