”K-Son Reflects On The Rock World”??

ACE FREHLEY Performs Entire 1978 Solo Album Live At New Jersey KISS Expo 2018; Video
NJ KISS Expo 2018 was held December 7th – 9th at the Hilton Parsippany in Parsippany, NJ. For the first time ever, Ace Frehley performed his classic KISS solo album in it’s entirety on the final day of the event. Video footage can be seen below. Setlist: ”Rip It Out” ”Speedin’… 

ARCH ENEMY Releases ”Reason To Believe” 7″ Vinyl Unboxing Video
Arch Enemy have released a strictly limited, hand-numbered 7″ single and digital single for their song, “Reason To Believe”, via Century Media Records. An unboxing video for the 7″ vinyl can be seen below: Guitarist and founding member Michael Amott comments on the motivation behind writing “Reason To Believe… 
COZY POWELL Birthday Bash To Feature Performances From Former BLACK SABBATH, RAINBOW, WHITESNAKE, MSG Members

The inaugural Cozy Powell Birthday Bash will be held at the Robin 2 in Bilston, UK on December 29th  – an evening of special guests to celebrate the music of legendary rock drummer Cozy Powell, who perished in a high-speed car crash in April 1998 at the age of 50…

cozy powell-Dance with the devil


LEE KERSLAKE – Doctors Give Former OZZY OSBOURNE Drummer 8 Months To Live; ”I’ve Been Fighting All The Way” (Audio)

Jimmy Kay from Canada’s The Metal Voice spoke to former Ozzy Osbourne/Uriah Heep drummer, Lee Kerslake. Kerslake spoke about his time with Ozzy Osbourne writing and recording the albums Blizzard Of Ozz and Diary Of A Madman, his new solo record that will be released in 2019 entitled Eleventeen…

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